Friday, 1 June 2012

Shoot: Part1 "Behind the scene"

Just came from a no-computer week and finally I have the time to create a post from our shoot last May 22. It's my first time with these guys and I'm so glad it turned out so amazing! Here are behind the scene photos . I just can't ignore them. Too awesome to not post.

The photographers:
Kiara wit her gorgeous cam. I love ♥
and of course I had my shots too :)

Kiara prettyfying Matt

After lots and lots and lots of arguments and tantrums Hahaha! I had my way! Making Trina more beautiful :)
Pakipot pa si ate pero tanong naman ng tanong kung pano =)))
And the finish product! :) 
Kiara and I are so jealous of Matt's flawless face. Hahaha!

She only let me do one eye. After seeing it she was like "ang ganda! pano mo nagawa!" Haay. Our Trina's no baby anymore!

Bloopers galore! Hahaha!

My slightly evil boyfriend forcing Trina to model the milk in exchange of Seasons 1 to 3 of Adventure Time! Hahahaha!
Doing my own version of me boyfie's shirt! Hahaha! Wasted much!

It was really a fun-filled day. So good for a first! :>

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