Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Le me cooks!

So being left alone all day yesterday, I was tasked to cook for dinner! Good thing my aunt keeps a notebook of her recipes or I'll just invent anything and we will be eating an "i-have-no-idea-what-that-is" food for dinner :)) I was inspired to cook since my mom was here also. And CONGRATULATIONS TO ME for a job well done!

Sorry for the poor shots it was taken from me mom's phone :)

Our dinner :) Aroz Alacubana + Fried bananas + Brown rice

Aroz Ala Cubana
It took me almost 2 hours cooking this simple dish. Poor me.
And for the record, it was the boiling the egg that I had a hard time with. It was always raw :| And my mom was laughing about it while eating. She said I have cooked a whole dish and can't even boil eggs :|

Fried bananas! Me favorite :)

Uhhm. Rice? Just brown.

That's it. Proud girl over here :> Achievement! 

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